Dr Michael Kreltszheim

Radiologist, Qscan Radiology Clinics

Dr Michael Kreltszheim

BBiomedSc (Hons), MMedRad(RT), MBBS, FRANZCR, FAANMS

Michael completed his nuclear medicine fellowship years at Qscan Southport and The Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, Victoria. Michael is based on the Sunshine Coast and works regularly at the Qscan Redcliffe and North Lakes clinics. He is also the deputy director of Nuclear Medicine and a member of the haematology and lung MDT at the Sunshine Coast University Hospital (SCUH).

Michael’s areas of interest include PET imaging and the rapidly evolving field of theranostics.  During his time at The Alfred, Michael was involved in two lutetium PSMA therapy trials aimed at improving outcomes in patients with metastatic prostate cancer.

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