What is CT Dentascan?
CT Dentascan is a type of CT which uses advanced technology to construct 3D images of your upper and lower jaw and surrounding tissues. These scans can be useful for assessing impacted teeth, and to diagnose disease of the teeth or jaw, which may require dental or surgical treatment.
A Qscan radiographer will conduct your CT Dentascan. You will be asked to lie on a table and your radiographer will position you inside the CT machine. You must remain still for the duration of the scan, as any movement will blur the images. The scan will take around 5 minutes to complete.
There is no specific preparation required for CT Dentascan. You will be asked to remove hearing aids, dental plates, jewellery, keys, phone, coins and other metal objects before your scan.
Please arrive 15 minutes before your appointment with your Medicare card and/or concession card, your referral, and any previous scans. If you have a child aged 6 or under, they must be supervised by an adult other than the patient.
The amount of radiation used in this examination is small. Health experts feel the risk to your health from this is very small and the benefits of the diagnostic information obtained usually outweigh any potential risks. No radiation remains in your body after this scan.
If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant, please let your doctor and our staff know before your scan.
The cost of your CT Dentascan will depend on several factors, including the type of scan that has been requested and whether it was referred by a dental generalist or specialist. Our friendly customer service team will be able to advise you of the costs involved, including any out-of-pocket costs.
We recommend arranging alternative childcare for the day of your scan or bringing another adult with you to care for your child.
Children are not allowed in the examination room, and there is no supervision available in the waiting area.
Our staff need to maintain full focus during your examination to ensure the best possible care.